Get To Know Me: The Big Family Story

Labor day 2018

I kinda hated the โ€œget to know youโ€ day at the beginning of each school year as a kid. The question of how many siblings you have almost always comes up in those things when youโ€™re a child. I had 11 siblings as a little kid, and gained at 12th as a young teenager. Being asked how many siblings I had certainly made for an interesting conversation, but I felt like it started me off on a foot where kids โ€ฆ Read the rest

Five Relationship Truths I Wish I Realized Earlier

communication within relationships

Ryan and I started dating really young. I was 16 when he first asked me to be his girlfriend. I wouldnโ€™t admit it to anyone because I knew they would think I was naive, et I really thought we had a truly special connection. I didnโ€™t think this was a high school romance. Almost 11 years later I feel a bit more confident in admitting those feelings because clearly, we really did have something special to have made it through โ€ฆ Read the rest

PMS In A Relationship: How We Cope

So this post is about PMS! I assume I donโ€™t really need a disclaimer, but just in case I do โ€“ please know this post is a bit personal and vulnerable. If you donโ€™t wantย to hear about my PMS then please donโ€™t read further.

I feel as if Iโ€™ve just always had a sensitive personality. It didnโ€™t take much to hurt my feelings even as a little kid. I feel this is still true of me as an adult. โ€ฆ Read the rest

Video Games To Play With Your Girlfriend Who Isnโ€™t A Gamer

Don't starve together

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I wouldnโ€™t call myself a gamer. I grew up withย  SNES even though it was the lateย 90โ€™s and early 00โ€™s when I played. In middle school I liked play SIMS and puzzle type games on Yahoo Games. I still like app games, and my boyfriend reminds me that they โ€˜arenโ€™t real gamesโ€™ because there is no real strategyย involved. He grew up with video games being a really significant and important part โ€ฆ Read the rest

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