Sell Your Stuff โ€“ Where To Sell Your Old Stuff

Where should I sell my stuff to make the most money? Well, that depends a lot on what your โ€œstuffโ€ is. I grew up in a frugal household that regularly took advantage of buying items at thrift stores, yard sales and Ebay. When you purchase items second-hand for a while, you learn that prices can vary quite a bit on the same items on different sites. This is great information to have when youโ€™re looking to buy used items, but โ€ฆ Read the rest

Where To Buy A Hedgehog

I get a lot of perspective hedgehog owners on my posts How Much Work Is A Pet Hedgehog? and Must Have Products For A Pet Hedgehog. One question that I have seen a few times in response to those posts is, I am ready to get a pet hedgehog! Where can I buy a hedgehog? Or, where do I find a hedgehog for sale? There are several ways to find a pet hedgehog to buy.

1. Buy a hedgehog โ€ฆ Read the rest

My Pugs Favorite Toys

There are affiliate links in this post. I was sent some of these dog toys for review in the past on my other blog, Emily Reviews. However, I was not asked to include them in this post. In fact, the brands have no idea I am posting about these toys for this post. These are just my pugs favorite toys toys and a couple of them happened to be sent to us for review back in the day.

My pugs โ€ฆ Read the rest

How To Avoid Being Late On Bills

When Ryan & I first had our own apartment, we often found ourselves paying late fees. Before moving into our first apartment, we had sat down and wrote out a budget. We knew we had an income that was higher than the total of our bills. Neither of us were big spenders, or buying things we didnโ€™t need. Yet, we were basically throwing money away on late fees. We got tired of it, and came up with a plan to โ€ฆ Read the rest

Understanding Picky Eaters

There is an affiliate link in this post.

I am not a parent. I have no practice in caring for picky eaters. This post isnโ€™t advice for how to get your picky eater to stop being a picky eater. Instead, this post is simply to share the thoughts and feelings that I had as a child, when I was a very picky eater. I know that many people view picky eaters as naughty, disobedient or obstinate. I think itโ€™s fair โ€ฆ Read the rest

Blogging As An Introvert โ€“ How Blogging Has Improved My Self-Confidence

I remember being about 12 when my cousins husband (who had known me for years) finally saw me in a small group setting instead of a large group. I was talking non-stop and he had never seen that before. He said something like โ€œI think Iโ€™ve heard you say more words tonight than in all of the times Iโ€™ve seen you until today combined!โ€

Itโ€™s very true that I talk a lot more in small groups than I do large โ€ฆ Read the rest

First Time Flyer Tips โ€“ What I Wish I knew On My First Plane Ride

As a kid my family wasnโ€™t able to travel. We live in Michigan and we went camping at camp rounds on lake Michigan a few times, but that was the extent of our traveling. My first flight was just over a week ago, and I am 25. My boyfriend is 30 and he had never flown either. Neither of us really knew what to expect but we were excited and nervous. When youโ€™re a first time flyer, there are a โ€ฆ Read the rest

Is A Pug Right For Me?

Disclaimer: there is an affiliate link in this post.

Pugs are a breed of dog that almost everyone can immediately picture in their minds. Their smushed faces and big eyes make an impression in your mind and make them pretty easy to remember. If youโ€™re considering getting a pug, itโ€™s a good idea to read up on common pug behaviors as well as their health care and emotional needs to make sure that the typical pug would be a good โ€ฆ Read the rest

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