My 27th Birthday

I had my birthday on Thursday. Last Monday I went shopping with my mom, using birthday money she gave me. I was excited to go to Sally’s to purchase their generic value products conditioning balm that I kept reading other curly girl method people rave about. We also stopped into Ulta and I got Not Your Mother’s Naturals Coconut shampoo, which is curly-girl friendly and is known to be ‘light’. I thought the shampoo I had been using (shea moisture) may have been too heavy for my hair type. I’ve been using those both since then and I like them both! I also got my haircut right before my birthday. My hair has been maintaining its curl (not ‘melting’) and I’m not sure how much is from the new products and how much is the haircut, but I’m a lot happier with my hair now.

new curly girl hair products

On my birthday we woke up around 10 and made it to Lansing for lunch. I wanted to go shopping and Ryan wanted to surprise me with choosing places to eat. I’m a picky eater so I was a little scared, but he made sort of safe, yet still new-to-me choices so it worked out great! We went to chick fil a for lunch. Our area didn’t used to have chick fil a’s at all, but Lansing got one last year I believe it was. It was great! From there we went to Target, Kohl’s, several consignment shops (He googled it ahead of time and was able to show me a few I had never heard of which was cool!). I mostly got clothing, but we also picked up an upright mirror and an outdoor lounge chair as I had wanted those for a while. We got done shopping around 8 and tried out another new-to-us restaurant called Soup Spoon Cafe. It’s really highly ranked on Yelp. Even though we had been shopping over 8 hours by that time, neither of us were particularly hungry yet! We had planned to try out 4 types of soup but we just weren’t hungry enough so we just got entrees – and only ate about half of them. We both enjoyed what we got. We finished the night off by going to NGC to watch a movie called First Reformed which we had heard good reviews of. It was really good!

27th birthday movie

It was a great birthday. I got some really cute clothes and had a great time out shopping.

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