Depression, Gratitude and Art

I had terrible depression a younger teenager. Itโ€™s improved a lot as Iโ€™ve gotten older. I did therapy for several years, and just growing up and being able to control my life and who I let close to me has made a huge difference. I still jut have days on occasion where my head just seems to be stuck in a raincloud. Sometimes it happen after a difficult event or a lot of stress. Other time it feels rather random. โ€ฆ Read the rest

PMS In A Relationship: How We Cope

So this post is about PMS! I assume I donโ€™t really need a disclaimer, but just in case I do โ€“ please know this post is a bit personal and vulnerable. If you donโ€™t wantย to hear about my PMS then please donโ€™t read further.

I feel as if Iโ€™ve just always had a sensitive personality. It didnโ€™t take much to hurt my feelings even as a little kid. I feel this is still true of me as an adult. โ€ฆ Read the rest

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