Do All Pugs Scream Like Humans?

There have been a couple of viral videos showing pugs screaming while they get their nails trimmed. For many people, this has made them curious about pug screaming! I thought I’d tackle that topic in this blog post.

Do all pugs scream like humans?

No, not all pugs scream. I had two pugs for several years, one screamed and the other never did.

It is real, though. I have seen some comments on some of the viral videos suggesting that … Read the rest

Are Pugs Ugly Or Cute? A Case For Both!

Pugs are a pretty controversial-looking dog, apparently. Most people either find them super ugly, or super cute. There isn’t much in between, it seems!

Cartoon versions of pugs often make them out to be extremely bug-eyed, often leave their tongue hanging out sideways. Something about cartoon pugs often makes them come off as obnoxious and dumb. Perhaps those cartoon-ized versions of pugs contribute to a stereotype that causes people to see them as ugly and dumb?

My aunt had a … Read the rest

Athletic Pugs? Can Pugs Be Athletic?

Pugs were bred to be lapdogs. As a result, most of them are relatively low energy dogs. As I mentioned in my pug activity level blog post, most pugs are good with a couple of quick walks per day. Generally speaking, if you’re looking for a running buddy, I wouldn’t recommend a pug to you. My two pugs were couch potatoes, as most pugs are. Pugs tend to be sensitive to the heat, and aren’t the best breathers. Do athletic … Read the rest

Pug Acting Strange (In Many Different Ways!)

Anytime that your pug is acting strange, it’s natural to be concerned. How concerned you really should be may depend on what they are doing (or not doing) that is unusual for them. To get a better answer to why your pug is acting strange, it’s most helpful if you can pinpoint exactly what they are doing that is strange.

Most of this article will focus on a variety of different strange behaviors your pug may be having, and will … Read the rest

Are Pugs Affectionate?

If you’re considering getting a pug, it’s a good thing to ask if they’re affectionate or not. I see the level of affection between dogs and their human family members as being a compatibility factor. If you want a really affectionate dog, an aloof dog breed wouldn’t be a good fit. Similarly, if you prefer a really independent dog, accidentally getting a dog that wants a lot of affection could be a bad idea.

How affectionate are pugs?

Pugs are … Read the rest

Pug Shivering After Bath

Have you ever noticed your pug shivering after their bath? If so, you may wonder what you can do to help, or even if you should be concerned. My pugs used to shiver after their baths sometimes, and it often made me feel bad, so we tried to find ways to minimize it.

Why your pug shivers after their bath

Most likely, your pug is shivering because they feel cold after their bath. If their bath was warm, the air … Read the rest

Can Pugs Go To The Beach? Tips & Tricks

Pugs are well known for not being very tolerant of high heat. They’re also known for not wanting to be left home alone very long. If you have a beach day planned, you may be wondering if pugs can go to the beach.

Can pugs go to the beach?

Pugs can go to dog-friendly beaches, and they may even enjoy the experience! You need to make sure they don’t overheat, though. 

We live in Michigan, but we’re in the … Read the rest

Pug Begging

Do Pugs Beg A Lot?

Pugs can be bad about begging compared to other dog breeds. However, how much they beg can have a lot to do with how you respond to their begging. 

When we first got our pugs, I was amazed at how many sounds they make compared to other dogs. I have three posts about different noises pugs make! Pugs bawling, pugs crying, and pugs screaming like humans. Haha! Pugs aren’t usually bad about … Read the rest

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